This post is the second part of the series about C# 8.

All articles in the series

Null-coalescing assignment

In C# 8, a new assignment operator was added - ??=. So in the example below default user will be assigned only if the user variable is null.

user ??= defaultUser;

Null-coalescing assignment operator is similar to ??, which returns the value of its left operand if it is not null; otherwise, it evaluates the right operand and returns its result.

Asynchronous streams

Microsoft team added a new interface - IAsyncEnumerable<T>. It provides an enumerator for asynchronous iteration similar to synchronous IEnumerable<T>. Why does it matter? Before this feature was implemented, you could not use yield in the async method.

For example, with C# 8 you can write such code:

        private async IAsyncEnumerable<string> GetFilesTextsAsync(string dirName) 
            var files = Directory.GetFiles(dirName);
            foreach (var file in files)
                if (File.Exists(file))
                    yield return await File.ReadAllTextAsync(file);

To consume sequence from GetFilesTextsAsync you can use the method presented below. As you see, this method is marked as async and has await before the foreach keyword.

        private async static Task ProcessFilesInDirectory(string dirName)
            await foreach(var fileText in GetFilesTextsAsync(dirName))
                // text processing

Asynchronous disposable

In C# 8 was added new interface, IAsyncDisposable for asynchronous disposal of unmanaged resources. To implement this interface, you should add to your code method DisposeAsync. C# also now supports await using statement.

Other updates in C# 8

  • constructed value type is unmanaged if it contains fields of unmanaged types only.
  • you can use stackalloc result if it’s Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T> in nested expressions.
  • added support for default interface methods. You can now add default implementation to the interface members. This feature will be handy for library authors.

What is next

In the next and the last part three, I will revise two major C# 8 updates - indices/ranges and nullable reference types. So I decided to dedicate the whole article to these two topics.

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